When You Leave It's Not The Same Poem by Darnell Jordan

When You Leave It's Not The Same

When you kiss me I feel loved,
When you hug I feel loved,
When you say you love me I feel loved,
Those screaming words i say to you
I hate you
I wanna leave you
Why did i ever choose you
are words we both say towards each other but, my heart is
telling me I could never live without you.
I know i talk, flirt, in do a lot of dumb Things with other females That makes you
upset! but who say a man never makes a mistake but he also learn from his mistakes knowing that hurting you was a mistake not a choice, now i know what a broken heart is someone that's been hurt so bad
That words can't explain but please give me another chance because what i did before i was a kid now it's 2011
I'm a man so i know what's wrong in whats not I miss the little words you just to tell me like your 'hot' in you like my smile, walk, in everything I do. Now when you see all i hear is That I which i never meet you it kills me.
when you are gone it's the same because it make me change but hey who's the one to blame? ?

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