When You Love Someone Poem by Cassandra Boyd

When You Love Someone

When you love someone
Nothing is as bad as it seems
You’re just happy to be
Your love is intense and extreme.

When you love someone
Being together is a must
You don’t have those questions of trust
You’re past the stage of constant carnal lust.

When you love someone
your heart skips a beat when you see a smile
You can walk on the beach for miles
and just holding hands all the while.

When you love someone
Your words come straight from the heart
of their life you want to be a part,
of the dreams you want to share
of the many ways you’ll show you care.

When you love someone you know
they’re with you wherever you go.
A constant thought in your mind
is the only peace you will find
from a day of incessant dramas
or continuous minor dilemmas.

When you love someone just because
you saw everything that there was
you’re looking for in the one
you want to spend the next millennium.

Be sure of a very crucial fact,
this fortunate person loves you back.
Because as sure as the heavens above,
the only thing better that loving that special someone
is being loved.

Ronald Stroman 23 December 2007

thanks for sharing. take care.

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Cassandra Boyd

Cassandra Boyd

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