ronald stroman

ronald stroman Poems

a house
nothing is added

she asked me
was it big:
(being the man that I am)
i said it was.

Welcome To IHOP


if nothing

is written for,

she killed 'im...

and used a gun

so many people:
that loved them
placed beautiful flowers,
by the roadside,

i made love kill
more than once
when i found hate
wouldn't do it.

some times

once the aLIENS arrive,

and find that dark meat:

He never knew why

he just knew-

The explosive news: from the Pakistan Taliban
came as no Shiite/Sunni surprise,
as bombs were being constructed;
in Bomblast, Afghanistan

i really don't know who or where Gaza is
in the Middle East
i do know this-
they got a lot of Palestinian rocks to throw

the World:

doesn't mess-over the Jews,

i went to a Church
which was really a corner house
where the Black Preacher preached against
so many things i was for

With Gods permission:

let my life

the small white flower:
wanted all the water,
in the flower pot,
and the tall green one:

i wanted
my Gulf war questions
answered once,
and before you knew it:

no matter
how many times,
you place
your name on it:

i am tomorrow's hope
in the eyes of my father.

my father:

like the fools

they really are

ronald stroman Biography

too old to stop doin' what doin', especially when what i'm gettin'... keeps giving me what i got. and that's 'poetic' enough for me.)

The Best Poem Of ronald stroman

A House Divided

a house
nothing is added
nothing multiplies,
nothing ever grows:
when Chaos
is invited to lounge
on your couch,
and sleep
in your bed.

'Bad News' refuses
to shower:
the toilet isn't flushed
and hands
are never washed;
because of attitudes that stink.

In a house
where Eviction gives notice:
Jealousy chooses Hate
to be stronger than Love,
as Anger and Hostility
about Nobody payin'
the rent.

In a house
Slander is served in the kitchen,
keeping family members sick:
because the Cook
is the Poison.

In a divided house:
Paranoia & Suspicion is…,
the welcome mat,
that Frustration steps on:
the Housekeeper
is a fool.

is never ever home,
and calls 'Collect':
he never pays his way
long distant.

In a house
Gossip, Rumors and Lies,
are three
ugly-hearted sisters
living in it,
a divided house:
where the dishes are dirty
and trash overflows,
'cause Gossip needs scandal
Rumor never drinks her stories straight,
while Lies...
keeps everyone divided:
when she won't speak the truth.

ronald stroman Comments

Tired of Being Exploited 29 January 2008

Per Scars Visions and Anchors: The roads we chose were guided by misinterpretation, held against this reality by love we languish until untethered. Upon division shall we consider ourselves paid in full, or more in debt?

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Emily Courtney 11 October 2007

Thanks for the comment i think... I like your work too?

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David Wilson 24 September 2007

So far i read two of your poems...and i like them both...You seem like a pretty intelligent guy and I appreciate your feedback keep up the good work and the sense of humor if thats what it was! ! (Bad Poetry)

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Aidin Azarkerdar 12 January 2007

ronald is verry best poet.I thing ronald's poetry is verry verry strong...he know what is pencil...and have alot of knowlage and memories about war..maybe I can't send comment to his all of poems but I can send comment for him and tell: I Love his minds and I tell to him: [[[goodluck ronald...good luck best soldier poet]]]

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