Who Am I? Poem by Cns 222

Who Am I?

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Poems were left blank to fill the empty space
People ask how am I supposed to understand
The poets aim was not sense a strive for sentiment

Logic is nice but in quantity lethal
quite deceitful indeed, a place where love is dead
When not paying attention your cup floods again
Your sanity is sickness in my head

Now money tends to out weigh empathy
Tipping the scales where balance doesn't exist
Well this simply is not me nor has it ever been
Yet my life is controlled by commodities

Humanity is opinions upon which is humane
Back then I pondered much like today
Without an ego of a lion where would we be
When giving gifts without a agenda hidden behind the scenes

Serpents are slithering silently
With tongues sharp like glass
We may be friendly now
But who are you when others turn there back

Thursday, April 11, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: animals,humanity,identity,love,philosophy
Dr Antony Theodore 12 April 2019

Serpents are slithering silently With tongues sharp like glass We may be friendly now But who are you when others turn there back.. life seen from another ankle. may be a realistic one.. tony

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