Why? Poem by Kestrel Quiambao


Pierced by a broken blade
It pierces deep within my emotions
Which destroys everything of me
It hurts until I'm totally beaten
And I'm all left weak, and empty.

And all left to pieces
Worse than a shattered matter
And no remedy can cure this pain
Satisfied and accomplished, you've done everything
Completly corrupts me, and my mind is all blank.

An enigmatic path which only I can take
Nothing more, nothing else
There's no choice left but to take this road
Until I'm all used and used
With an excruciating fear travelling through my entire body.

Please, please, please, free me from this misery
I'm left clueless, no one can redeem
I need salvation, from this incurable virus of sorrow
You gave me this, but can't take it back away from me
You've done your mission, and you've completely destroyed my everything.

Cry and cry, until all tears are dry
Driven by the untruthful force you've given
Take it back oh take it back
Don't waste my life that I've planted
These seeds took generations to manage and care.

My heart's all black, and I can never go back
You told me to choose this path, and I'm all in a paradox
Totally messed up just like a climatic part in a movie
Is this the real world? Is this what is all means?
And I shall sing the song, the hymn of my fathers.

True glory, true lose, true revolution, true resolution
Hold me close into you arms, and save me
You are here, forever in the memory
The scar you've made always reminds me of the true strength and fall
Rise and fall, and everything shall crumble.

Your words are arrows that pierce, your actions are blades that slice
I don't even have any protection, and no comrade can take the bullet
Fast as a loud thunder that strikes upon me
Painfully devastated, what have you done to me?
Naked in the dark, but still seen with your naked eyes.

I call the gods, summon their mercy
Did I lose my faith in you?
Did I commit a crime for you? Am I a criminal?
Did you plan these mission?
Crying in no one's arms, until there's no answer.

Fear which I can never escape
Walk, run, hide, fade
But there's no use
I'm all right and wrong
Neither weak or strong.

Baby I love you
But you've completely obliterated my dreams
I'm all fading, I'm all saying
That this moment, is all it takes to make me fall
Once again, I claim myself lost in this battle.

Thank you, you gave me this strength to say
You can never make me fall again
I'll be standing again
I'll never fail again
Because revenge is sweeter the second time around.

Don't love me...

Kestrel Quiambao

Kestrel Quiambao

Manila, Philippines
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