Why I Should Loved You Poem by Drac Mal

Why I Should Loved You

Why do I love you?
When I'm in love with someone else?
It's not fair!
I loved him first!
But you came.
And then it was just as much of a love-at-first-sight with you as it was with Robert.
I'm trying to hold my tears.
Trying as hard as the was you hold me.
The way you rock me agaisnt your body.
The way you love me and as much as I hate to admit it,
the way I love you.
But loved is the better word.
The more appropiate word.
I loved you is what I should've say.
What I should say now.
Because it's not long until he comes home, my first love.
My current love I should say.
But when I think of that word,
current love,
I immediately think of you.
You, who I love.
Who I love and who I should stop loving.

Very complicated,
very unavoidable.
I love you, as much as I shouldn't.
I love you.
And I love him too.

D M 21 July 2009

Thank You very much Ira Sharma :) it's great to hear that others can get a glimpse of what I felt when I wrote this.

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Ira Sharma 21 July 2009

really nice..even a mere imagination of your situation makes me tremble..how difficult and painful situation you live in..and more than that, u had the courage to write it down..

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