Wink At A Black Hole Poem by Biajy Mohanty

Wink At A Black Hole

There was a little star
In her splendid isolation
In the abyss of space-time
Sharing her inner light
With the void around.
She was content
Like a seed within a fruit,
Like an autumn leaf
Floating in the fragrant breeze.

Then one day..
She experienced a tug
A tug that made her look.

A tiny black hole winked at her,
She winked back, she had to
For the first time her light had attracted someone.
The black hole came nearer
The tug became a pull
She was happier, all set for the embrace,
Like a virgin, expectant, apprehensive,
The black hole caressed her, licked her light
Goose bumps, elation, ecstasy……

Then he gave her a spin…
She spun and spun and spun
Life was never this happening
The pull became an embrace,
Kisses became ardent licking, nibbling, biting
The embrace is crushing..
She shouted in part joy and part fear
He pulled more,
Her lights twisted, the inner core melted,
She was all molten light,
Dreamy eyed, glazed.

Before she collapsed into him,
light, core and all
She thought about her splendid isolation
Was that better,
The seed must germinate, must try and become a tree
Even if it gets destroyed in the tempest…
She must die in order to live
Smiling at nothing is neither living nor dying.

Before she completely lost herself in the black abyss,
She urged other stars to try and wink at a black hole.

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