Winter Wind Poem by Nero CaroZiv

Winter Wind

Such a frigid winter wind; blow, blow, you winter gust blast wind
Your whistle and fierce keen air is after all not so unkind
As the people village cold withdrawal, harshness and ingratitude;
Your tooth is not so relentless sharp and keen,
Because you rush and blow the flowers fields and you are not seen,
Although your breath be quite and rude to my face in the forest where you boot"

Oh come love don't look sad be happy smile, laugh the forest is a green holly:
Most village friendships if not feigning, are most loving mere folly:
Come live with me and be my love in the forest gloom
Where the village rage and hate do not loom
And life among the trees, grass and flower of the field are most jolly
And the wind at summer night flows among leaves and the awl sighs so slowly

Something in me grew to like the freezing winter bitter sky,
One can deal with it; it does not bite so nigh
As benefits forgot:
Though it the waters does warp,
Its sting is not so sharp
As a friend whom I long remember not.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: friendship
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