Within Your Limit Poem by Chulsoo Kim

Within Your Limit

You wake up in the morning and
find yesterday's yourself resumed again, not newly.
You do not miss anything of yourself.
Now it's your turn to face new one around youself and make it as yours.
You have to put yourself in that situation and
examine yourself whether you can survive.
If yes, you can realize yourself a little bit more.
If no, you put it in your subconsciousness and
will refer it in worse case for realization later.
Now you manage to live a little bit better.
You need more information, money, and facing yourself for upgrading yourself.
You broaden your limit.
It's time to look into yourself deeper for finding reasons to be in this world.
You feel and need your values to stay there.
Inside there, another you keep yourself as you and
tell something which are good for you.
You need family, society, rules derived from our history, and another you.
You see flowers and trees, feel the air and
eat somthing live which have lived together with telling what they are.
Now you are there with them at any time.
You've got to get their words in your world.
You stay in their limit.
You who felt blood feel another boundary inside you.
You are within your limit.

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