Write Me Poem by Curtis Johnson

Write Me

I was really impressed and refreshed after reading a piece written by a pastor's wife. She said we should not allow our lives to be short changed and discouraged when we see the 'Highlights' of other people.

Another thing. I am a nut for nuts, and one of the things that drives me nuts is eating sweets whose menu calls for nuts
but the product comes up short on the nuts. Give me plenty of nuts or give me none. Who needs watered down versions of things? Without a doubt, something is missing.

Life too is more bland and far less sweeter than it used to be. What is happening to human relationships and that old fashioned connectiveness we once felt? That eye to eye contact that's real?

Applying make-up is one thing, but a makeover is another. A lot of hugging is going on, but a lot less truly loving.

We prefer to fax, text, email, or some other form of social media. 'Call me' is becoming a maybe, and 'write me' is a foreign language.

There might be some things that fit the song that I use to hear, and as I recall, it was a car ad that said, 'Wrap it up; I'll take it'. It really was a great car, but not all products are created equal, and my response before you wrap it up would be, 'Hold on; let me taste it first'.


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