You Are The Number One In Explanation. Poem by Liza Sud

You Are The Number One In Explanation.

For the Jews you became an outcast,
The Russian priest of course cannot accept you.
But for me you became the number one.
You love, like Christ, the people of all nations!

Of course, there was a book, there was saint John.
And he was number one in revelation.
But I don't know how - you know all!
You are the number one in explanation.

Ты стал давно изгоем для евреев,
и русский поп тебя принять не может.
но для меня теперь ты - номер первый!
И, как Христос, ты любишь все народы!

Был Иоанн, конечно, была книга,
и он для меня - первый - в откровеньи.
но и тебе - откуда? - все открыто,
и ты - номер один по объясненьям.

Saturday, June 18, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: oneness
Daniel Brick 21 June 2016

You are dazzled by M. Laitman's universality, articulation, persuasiveness, holiness, but you also are aware others either don't know him or do know of him and reject and condemn him. Laitman is your most excellent teacher, but he needs you as his most excellent student - appreciative, ready to learn, with the values he supports already latent inside you which his books have released in you. So you are engaged in a struggle between two factors you respect and love - Laitman and the Orthodox Church. Be resolute and embrace both of them. Let them see a new thing: a believer who combines the Judaic and the Christian in a harmonious whole, and Jesus presides over this harmony and rejoices with you!

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