Your Father Is Incapable Of Love. Poem by Tony Kavuoti

Your Father Is Incapable Of Love.

All of My life my father verbally and physically abused me and he says that he loves me. I am still a Minor. He hits me and causing all sorts of terrible names, specially when he stressed and angry.


Your father is incapable of love. The people that are telling you that he cares are covering up their own child abuse, what was done to them as children and/or what they're doing to their children now. Your mom is just as bad for not protecting you and being a passive abuser.

There's a difference between love and waiting for love you're never going to get the love from your father because he is incapable. And your brain is still developing and you were subject to this all of your life. He inflicted enough damage on you, that is a crime on his part, it is him not you, it is your mother not you, it your family and not you.

You can't reason with him, it would be like trying to fix the titanic by working on the upper decks when the leaks and the major damage is so far below. He is lost and wants to stay loss, there is nothing you can do, you did not break him and you cannot fix him. You do not have to tolerate his abuse and think that you are responsible to change him. By not getting help and by listening to other people's ignorance, his dynamics only become worse for he will continue to cover up his own repressed abuse that he has come to identify with.

The worst advice people are giving you is to try to empathize with him, you have to start empathizing with yourself and protect yourself. If you stay you're going to be even more permanently damaged. Now you have a chance to leave and get help and obtain a more peaceful and meaningful life. I do not Know how old you are but the sooner you get help and and end the cycle of abuse the better. Your brain and your emotions are still developing and are still plastic. To you now remains a lifetime and now you're learning to protect yourself and not tolerate such humanity, such crimes, such ignorance and such mendacity.

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