Your Last Words Poem by Patrick Shields

Your Last Words

Rating: 5.0

Redemptions Harder Than It Looks
You Tell Me Tonight Will Be Your Last
That Rememption Can Only Be Found In Books
In An Hour She Says I'll Be Falling Fast

I Plead With You To Stay Here With Me
I Beg You To Give Life One More Try
But You Say That You and I Can't Be
Please I Say Don't Make This Our Last Goodbye

She Says Patrick I'm So Sorry But It's To Late
Theres No Going Back For Me Not Now Not Tomorrow
I Scream Into The Phone This Doesn't Have To Be Your Fate
Do You Even Care If You Fill My Heart With Sarrow

Again She Says I'm Sorry Honey But I Can't Go On
I Ask Is There Any Way I Can Change Your Mind
She Says No I've Been Depressed For To Long
Theres Nothing You Can Do Its Almost Time

Can I Ask You For Just One Last Favor
Could We Share One Last Kiss
I Promise I Won't Try To Be The Savior
She Answers I Will Grant You This

I Meet You On Top Of This Skyscraper
I Walk Slowly Towards Your Figure
Come Here To Talk Where Its Safer
I Pull My Arms Around You As You Shiver

I Look Into Your Beautiful Piercing Blue Eyes
I Wisper Into Your Ear I'll Always Love You
I Feel Your Cold Tears As You Began To Cry
With This You Don't Have To Go Through

She Looks Up At Me and Wispers You Win
Tears Fill My Eyes As I Hold You Tight
I Wisper I Love You In Her Ear Again
I Promise Everything Is Going To Be Alright

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