Your Mind Pushes Me Away, Your Heart Aches Poem by Maurice Harris

Your Mind Pushes Me Away, Your Heart Aches

Your mind pushes me away, your heart aches;
I assure you of our truth, whilst my heart breaks;
You are so afeared, that your fear became your reality-
Yet, there is but one way to rid yourself of this duality-
One day at a time, step closer in OUR direction,
Where I shall be already, to offer the protection
Of my love, strength and other-wordly faith,
In the love that we fashioned, through the miles, from a wraith;
Beloved, though we speak not, I call out to you,
And tell you that is ok to be brave-I am not saying what to do,
But merely I proffer salient advice knowing the truth of YOUR dreams-
I do this not for my own gain, nor for anything but what seems
Now to be surreal, where I know the opposite is true;
Love is truth, truth is love; fear is deceit, and deceit led you
To temporarily push away what you have dreamt for all your life,
Fear is your enemy, not I-fear caused this chasm, this strife!
I did not push you too fast, yet for same
I now am accused, and falsely take blame;
You did not use me to get over anyone,
Nor did you deceive just me, yet bludgeon
Only me, with anger over fear-I am NOT the enemy
I am the love that you have held guard over-it is in me
And not else lives there-not animus, nor do I possess baggage
From my past-holding on to the past has caused enough damage;
I would lovingly advise that you do the same, both as it relates to you and to me,
And finally accept the love that we two share, to be
The only 'reality' that you keep in your heart and mind-
Leave the past just where it belongs-behind
Us, both in time and as lessons learned-
It is what you deserve, and I know I have earned;
Become what you have always wanted to become,
At your own pace, but do not allow irration to be so cumbersome
As to alter what you know as real,
The truth of your heart, what you you truly feel!

Maurice Harris

Maurice Harris

Louisville, KY
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