Your Rock Poem by Timmy Tubbs

Your Rock

The lord concentrates on one tiny stomach
As if the feeling of “Not belonging” wasn’t enough
The rock sinks to the bottom
Crawls back up and scrapes its pain on your walls
And there is no cushion darling
There is no cushion for the fall
Some people who smile to your face
Will sink a knife into your back
And they really never deserved you at all

We are the ones blessed with the remnants of the word
The word that is so clichéd but always heard
Does it not south the stomach in moments of anguish
The word itself utterly fails with no meaning
And medicine is the doctor’s way
To say it’s okay
But hasn’t taken the pain away since the first day

Find the one who will steal your heart
And stitch it back together the best he can
I swear, the pain will subside with gentle hands

As for me, well I thank you
Freto fingers once bent frowns into smiles
But that man is gone, stuck in the monster I cut away
With no plans of summoning him again
I’m bricking new walls
I just need some time to think little darling
I promise, in time I will speak again
I know I’m not the only one in pain
And please know, if I could, I would steal yours away

So I’ll keep your request in mind
Fate is whispering everything will be fine
Just give me a little time
I’m just now finding out who I really am
And waiting for that monster to come back one last time
To tell me his secret truths; to take one last stand
I will cough out his words when the time is right

Close your eyes and imagine these freto fingers!
Making you laugh one more time
I hope that you know what we lucky few understand
There is always hope and faith
You are a wonderful person
It’s just sad that you still cry behind your smiles
Your smiles that are trying to move that rock
Knowing it weighs a ton

Timmy Tubbs

Timmy Tubbs

Vancouver, WA
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