Your Words, Are My Love. Poem by Mark J Fenton

Your Words, Are My Love.

Your words, are my love. And my love is hearing your loving words.
But what if these, my loving ears, became physically deaf?

Were I deaf, then merely by your slightest loving action would I then be
commanded. By those, your so loving lips, would I very sweetly learn
to love and to learn by. In my sweet and loving silence with adoring
eye would I patiently learn all of your teachings, and with a keen
eye and heart could I so easily endure this; my endless all silence.

Were I blind, then lovingly on every little syllable of your every word would
I so very sweetly hang, knowing that fate’s terrible misfortune of blindness
was as if nothing compared to the knowing that you, where all my infinite love
so truly belongs, still are by my side in your so loving devotion. Then blindness
in itself would not be, for you yourself would be as a dazzling loving light, brightening
up this whole sad and very dark existence.

Were I crippled, and still by my side you stayed. If I couldn’t walk, then
by a rolling wheelchair would I be mobile wishing for you a forever burdenless
day on your every busy day. You are my all, and hopefully your ever - needing
love for me would outlove any illness.

Were I to die, and if there were a spirit that we’d all have, then your loving
constant companion would I eternally become, to watch in such a sweetness
so beyond all delicious imagination, over all your very loving daily activities.
If float I did, then lovingly and so floatingly in love with you would this soul
then be...till, as long lengthening time stretched forth it’s always aging hand
and does finally end us all...then, at last unbounded and free without any injuries,
together in our love forever would we so sweetly be.

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