You're A Wonderful Woman Poem by Ilija Šaula

You're A Wonderful Woman

Order in love, an endless road, a work of art.
You're a woman with many roles, with a heart that is smart.
A mother's nurturing touch, a wife's gentle care,
A daughter's kindness, always there.

With brushed of compassion you paint your own way,
A canvas of kindness, every single day.
Your art is your love, your love is your grace,
A fire that turns on the soul light, a warm and safe space.

With every written word, you shares your soul,
A beauty you radiate, making hearts whole.
Your deep understanding, a listening ear,
Unconditional love, always near.

You're a wonderful woman, a dear friend, a treasure so rare,
A blessing to all, who are lucky to share.
In your presence, we bloom, like flowers in the sun,
With your love, our lives are forever won

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