Zionist Rats Poem by John Fenton Mcleish

Zionist Rats

the rats are cornered
Zionist desperation
their power waning
one mistake is all it takes
the dam bursts the levy breaks
as days pass I see
their unfolding strategy
fails completely
you will get what you deserve
if satan you chose to serve
madmen at the helm
sail straight into the firestorm
we founder and burn
war in war initiate
on our blood ingratiate
holocaust are we
as they live in luxury
seems always to be
despots print fiat money
concentrate monopoly
totally insane
our leaders have half a brain
but we feel the pain
yet they hold us in contempt
for we mean nothing to them
our lords are evil
put profit before people
dictators out of control
the ancient prophets told
blood moon tetrad fear
sons will bleed mothers tears
battle drums do hear
don't believe propaganda
like lambs led to their slaughter
first Sumerian
then comes the Egyptian
Greece and the roman
empires name subject to change
but the ruling class remain

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