Instructor poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best instructor poems ever written. Read all poems about instructor.
The instructor said,
Go home and write
a page tonight.
a fleet of birds
in the sky
forming an arrow
cutting across the wind
Day after day up there beating my wings
with all the softness truth requires
I feel them shrug whenever I pause:
they class my voice among tentative things,
Upon a time, before the faery broods
Drove Nymph and Satyr from the prosperous woods,
Before King Oberon's bright diadem,
Her Mother's Epitaph
Here lies
A worthy matron of unspotted life,
Tempora labuntur, tacitisque senescimus annis,
Et fugiunt freno non remorante dies.
Ovid, Fastorum, Lib. vi.
'O Cæsar, we who are about to die
Tonite I walked out of my red apartment door on East tenth street’s dusk—
Walked out of my home ten years, walked out in my honking
Many decades after graduation
the students sneak back onto
the school-grounds at night
and within the pane-lit windows
It is believed ~ that life is splendid
Like a vibrant rainbow in the distance
Each hue mirrors our sentiments
And we express our aspirations
Am being sent to, sent to
A fine finishing school
For a refresher course
for a refresher course
". . . Consider that the meritorious services of the Sergeant Instructors attached to the Egyptian Army haue been inadequately acknowledged. . . . To the excellence of their work is mainly due the great improvement that has taken place in the soldiers of H.H. the Khedive." -- Extract from Letter, 1897
Said England unto Pharaoh, "I must make a man of you,
May you wake up on January 1st,
finding that the world has not come
to an end, the lights work, the water
faucets flow, and the sky has not fallen?
ON a rocky peak once sat I early,
Gazing on the mist with eyes unmoving;
Stretch'd out like a pall of greyish texture,
All things round, and all above it cover'd.
'Twas in scientific circles
That the great Professor Brown
Had a world-wide reputation
As a writer of renown.
A man had attained great excellence in the art of wrestling, who knew three hundred and sixty exquisite tricks and daily exhibited something new. He had a particular affection for the beauty of one of his pupils whom he taught three hundred and fifty-nine tricks, refraining to impart to him only one. At last the youth had attained such power and skill that no one was able to contend with him and he went so far as to say to the sultan: "I allow superiority to my teacher on account of his age and from gratitude for his instruction but my strength is not less than his and my skill equal." The king, who was not pleased with this want of good manners, ordered them to wrestle with each other and a spacious locality having been fixed upon, the pillars of state and courtiers of his majesty made their appearance. The youth made an onslaught like a mad elephant with an impulse which might have uprooted a mountain of brass from its place but the master, who knew that he was in strength superior to himself, attacked him with the rare trick he had reserved to himself and which the youth was unable to elude; whereon the master, lifting him up with his hands from the ground, raised him above his head and then threw him down. Shouts were raised by the spectators and the king ordered a robe of honour with other presents to be given to the teacher but reproached and blamed the youth for having attempted to cope with his instructor and succumbed. He replied: "My lord, he has not vanquished me by his strength but there was a slender part in the art of wrestling which he had withheld from me and had today thereby got the upper hand of me." The master said: "I had reserved it for such an occasion because wise men have said: “Do not give so much strength to thy friend that, if he becomes thy foe, he may injure thee.” Hast thou not heard what the man said who suffered molestation from one whom he had educated?
Either fidelity itself does not exist in this world
Or nobody practices it in our time.
Old as I am, for lady's love unfit,
The power of beauty I remember yet,
Which once inflamed my soul, and still inspires my wit.
Walpole talks of "a man and his price."
List to a ditty queer --
The sale of a Deputy-Acting-Vice-
When Newton saw an apple fall, he found
In that slight startle from his contemplation--
'Tis said (for I 'll not answer above ground
For any sage's creed or calculation)--
In pious times, e'er Priest-craft did begin,
Before Polygamy was made a sin;
When man, on many, multiply'd his kind,
Here, my dear friend, is a new book for you;
I have already dedicated two
To other friends, one female and one male,--
Thanksgiving Thursday morning, November 28, 2024, begun at 9: 12 a.m. and continued at 10: 15 a.m.; completed and published at 10: 44 a.m.; explanation begun at 10: 48 a.m., and continued at 11 a.m. and 11: 15 a.m.
Local police—the Raleigh, Cary, Durham, and Morrisville
PDs, among others, not to mention the Capital Police, the Wake County Sheriff's Office and NC State Police—won't leave my poems alone as each one that I write and publish bodes I'll for American police forces nationwide, in the present case because police well know that Shakespeare's HAMLET is about how King Claudius, the then Chief of Police in Denmark, uses his own police, and police proxies, to plan Hamlet's death by poisoning him in a duel with Ophelia's brother Laertes, who, at the king's command, dips his sword tip in poison, just before his duel with Hamlet commences—i.e. like local police forces here in Wake County, North Carolina, King Claudius employs secrecy, deception and treachery in his attempt to rid himself of avenger and truth-teller Hamlet, a literal stand-in for me since I am also avenging myself with police, telling absolute truths concerning local police crime committed time and again at the behest of Kenneth Schweller, former Dean of the School of The Sciences at Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, Iowa, and Mark Prosser, former Chief of Police of Storm Lake and adjunct instructor of Criminal Justice at Buena Vista University, who, along with his officers, regularly arrested and detained our two young sons—Devin and Shawn Ryan—without cause at Police Headquarters in Storm Lake in 1998 and 1999, and who also threatened to arrest my wife and I once we withdrew Shawn from Storm Lake Middle School following his repeated harassment by a school vice principal and a Storm Lake police officer on school grounds which visibly traumatized Shawn, who barricaded himself in his bedroom out of fear of police.
Thursday night, October 24, 2024, begun at 8: 54 p.m. and continued at 9: 06 p.m.
Cary Police remain ever vigilant
to deny me clients in Cary, North Carolina,
Tuesday morning, October 15, 2024 at 10: 30 a.m. and continued at 10: 42 a.m. and 10: 44 a.m. and 10: 55 a.m.; it is now 11: 36 a.m. and counting, and this poem has yet to appear in Poem Hunter's "New Poem" listing following it's due publication forty-one (41) minutes ago …
A police proxy wiped out my poem of yesterday by this title above—the full title being 'Meanwhile, Here In Raleigh, Cary,
I Have Absolutely No Work, No Clients: Evidence Mounts In Widespread Covert Police Operation Directed At Me'—just minutes ago this morning, a poem that includes an indictment of North Carolina State University(NCSU) as being a chief police proxy in denying me work following the 2001-2002 academic year, in the person of my immediate supervisor Ann 'Nancy' Penrose, Head of the Writing And Rhetoric Program, who instead rehired a small group of women English teachers who had been complained about aplenty by NCSU students and their parents alike, entering the English Department itself to do so—I witnessed this happen first-hand—and even though I have a Ph.D. In English—these women don't—and received stellar evaluations from both students and faculty alike for my teaching of English composition courses, classes for that academic year, and received high praise from the then Chair of the English Department, Dr. Tom Lisk, who had hired me. Nancy Penrose was friends with these women teachers—cronyism is alive and well at NCSU!
worked Eastern Gas and Fuel Everett Ma.. My uncle jack seen above told me years ago at 3 hemlock Hampton Nh he was under the train on the grounds of the train with a severed cut leg.... he said the train was moving back towards him and there was a part under neath on the roof of the underneath part of the train that was moving back toward him. He said that if he had stayed under the train that section would have hit him and he would have been uncle said that he rolled out from under the train holding on to his leg. he said that there were some guys coming towards him or something and that he said to them i believe just cut it. Gayle Sweeney June 28,2024 my uncle was a pilot and flew small planes. He took Billy and I up when we were little and it was windy. When we landed Uncle Jack described a lot to me how a plane flies.... He went over quite a bit and i remember thinking to myself just act interested. I am glad for the talk because after hearing about the parts of the plane what i remember is that the air gors under the wings and that gives the plane lift which makes it fly..... I have his flight history in my room at 35 Quimby Ave Woburn MA which he told me and it is hand written. I wrote as he was telling me his story... HI USA...My uncle was out there.... Je ne comprend pas that anyone could think for an instant other than..... this is the USA..... I have rights, Just ask the spirit in my heart of RFK... R.i.P BullShit... Heaven is a TRip...Wonder.... God Bless the uncle was in Korea and said he was in a fox hole and ate out of a can and there were bugs of flirs i dont remember which. In his old age he wore a Marine hat. he told me wings level and nose down did he tell me> Anyway i remember wondering if he was trying to kill me. nose down and all... years i think later i thought well wings level is good and nose down solling about at the ground... I sont know when his 'accident' was... My mother said after KOrea...I think she said he got his license to fly snall planes after he was in Korea.. he couldnt fly coomercial planes because of his leg which was his dream... I was his flower girl and wore a pink dress and a kind of pearl bracelet. I have the picture i think in my room. The dress is hanging uo in the cellar 35 Quimby Ave near the ceiling near the washer and dryer where the water has leaked down from the shower for years and years. try getting anything done without checking with her first. I was thinking you have to pick your battles... She wants you to check with her first to doanything for God knows which things but when you do something without asling iy is not unusaul for that to be the thing you should have checked with her first on . Like paul lied about the ceiling there she said and it all needs to come down... The walls are warped and alll need to come out which i asked about and she said no... they insulate the place upstairs so it wont get cold upstairs. She has said her legs are cold watching tv there in the winter. I bought her numerous slippers including the upgraded down which she said she does not need because she does not get cold... If you want a dull assessment of such said household ask her she is the one in charge according to her however on the Assessors website of Woburn It says that Karen, Bill and Rick Own... Quell supise! Paul and I are homeless i take it because we never hear from karen and Bill. At times Rick came over and he can be wonderful with soup and a handmade birch waking stick for me, , , No charge there. One thing... Father Joe wrote in a homily for his 60th Anniversray in the priesthood see the history of St Bertoni website - if you dont know what you are talking about keep your mouth shut...anyone who says Paul and I are psychiatric and not deligent or the like is no friend of ours. Rick because of Native American Indian history and his Turkey Soup will always be in the loop somewhere in my heart just dont bring up pschiatric ever... Thats our right...Rick will always be an aquaintance at least.. The other 2 - Karen Sweeney maiden name, Nee married name on paper and William Sweeney can go blow.... God Bless Our Home.... and May the Road rise to Meet you who love all......Gayle Sweeney June 28,2024 follow the many irrevocable trusts have there been if any? any now? I was told they can not be revoked - irrevocable trusts by mother....I was told by mother there were 3 irrevocable trusts. How did Karen and Bill get their names on ownership papers of anything my father bought? ...Gayle Sweeney June 28,2024 Bon Chance PERE Dad RIP SEE GUY PARIS WOBURN MA LOCUST ST PARIS FARM AND fRANK COMITAS MIGHT BE FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR AIR FORCE MAYBE TOLD TO ME BY uNCLE jACK jOHN jOSEPH kELLEY B 1933 WINCHESTER ma.....HIS FLIGHT HISTORY WAS GIVEN TO ME BY UNCLE jACK AND IS IN MY ROOM AND I CAAN NOT ACCESS IT BEING ILLEGALLY LOCKED UP IN bEVERLY HOSPITAAAL WHICH IS NOT A HOSPITAAL BUT RATHER IT IS A TORTURE CHAMBER AND I HAVE CHARGED THE OWNER / AND OR OWNERS AND CONSPIRATORS AND DO CHARGE STILL ALL STATED AND THOSE CHARGES INCLUDED HERE ARE AGAINST gURYANOVA iRINA OR IRENA SHAY kATHERINE hEATHER dARLENE (SAMI (SP?) ETC = ALL EXCEPT (kELLY mALE AND rON mALE) WITH HIGH tREASON AGAINST THE uNITED..STATES OF aMERICA AND I WILL aDD iRELAND AND THE REST OF THE FREE WORLD IN gODS uNIVERSE WITH AGAIN tREASON AND wHITE SLAVE TRAFFICKING LIKE THE tRUMPS AND sTEALING BODY PARTS AND MOLESTING THE CHILD SONG IN OUR HEARTS AND FOR VIOLATING ALL OF OUR gOD gIVEN rIGHTS PROTECTED BY THE uNITED sTATES cONSTITUTION AND FOR DEPRIVING SLEEP IN CONSPIRACY BY DEALING AND LAYING OUT BY GANG RAPE PROPAGANDA THAT pUTIN dEALS AND SPREADS OUT LIKE THE EVIL PERSON HE IS... gAYLE m hONORA, dOHERTY, MRS gLEN a WHO IS MY mY FRIEND ON HIGH JESUS TOLD ME. IN THE YEAR...AUGUST 22,2024
I like taking instructions.
I like following guidelines.
I love laws and principles.
I like to be a teacher.
The instructor said we'd better get back quick
I shouted back what's the big rush
If I'd had known I would have felt a bit sick
And probably in a bit of a flush
From fear to courage to control of Nature man has advanced by knowledge;
But the crooked ones at the top helm of affairs spoil to destruction of all;
Nature is inspirer and instructor of all things of knowledge and life to mankind;
This friend, philosopher and guide how can anyone think of destroying ever?
Leslie Holden came from East Adelaide a South Australia town
When on 26 May 1915 he enlisted in the 4th Light Horse of the AIF renown
He was a driver when the 4th left for Egypt and the war
Then volunteered for the Australian Flying Corps for flying and adventure for more
An Impossible Taks
The instructor challenged his students to
write a short love poem of fifteen words or less.
It was late in the balmy springtime, and I was attending a lecture,
On a topic of great interest, which was the history of architecture.
As a great lover of beauty, I admired structural geometric designs,
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.