Poetry Girl

Poetry Girl Poems

© Kate Ogdenski

Published: May 2011

The Best Poem Of Poetry Girl

Troubles Of Life

© Kate Ogdenski

Published: May 2011

Life may be hard,
and life may be cruel,
But people beware,
'cause you're no fool.
You make hard decisions,
and have many fights,
You make few wrongs,
but you make more rights.
Life is not easy,
and it's sure not fair,
But hopefully it's bearable,
knowing I'm there.
You have lack in your faith,
and fear in your heart,
Of what's been decided,
and you've no part.
But you're strong people,
and you make your own path,
Your worries will end,
and you'll suffer no wrath.
Your path is your own,
and yours alone,
You've been given a second chance,
smile and bring cheer,
And dance a happy dance.

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