Pradip Chattopadhyay Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Have To Own

some poems i wish i had never written
some i treasure in my vault
with some like narcissus i'm love smitten
without a speck of fault!

Up For Sale

I put me up for sale

Counting on your help


when does the sun seem too far
when a few steps and you could be there
yet you see it from the shadow of nightmare.

My Grand Old Dame

They still follow the lizard’s motion
Her eyes a sky mirrored in ocean
My oldest mate at the kitchen door
She wants love and nothing more!

Magpie Robin: What She's Hungry For

magpie robin on her black and white wings
all day seems to frolic twitters sweetest nothings
is she singing her songs to lay a lover's trap
or love she isn't searching but her hunger's scrap!

One Hour

She was standing at the temple gate
Beside where hung the big padlock
Sorry sir you are by an hour late
The temple will reopen at four o’clock.


Impale me with truth

Break me not with false promises.

There's Nothing We Really Need

when my computer crashed
I thought it took my everything

Boundary Wall

They had a love for the boundary wall
Where occupied round the seasons
Their frames slender or substantial
Meditative eyes in philosophic brooding

Not All Is Lost

there are still some left
not all beautiful things are lost
a grass flower in windy waft
windowpane's wintry frost.

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