Prakash P Koshy

Prakash P Koshy Poems

It is sad to bid adieu to you Gulmohar blossoms this season,
You give us visual treat for many days.
You withstand the onslaught of melting summer,
And in the scorching times you bequeath us hues of enchantment,

In the heavy rain, I could see trees only in less green as shadows,
and the lights in a beautiful but a distorted way,
That does not mean my eyes gone bad
and trees lost its green sheen and the light is weak

Let the babies sleep peacefully
Do not wake them up to death.
We may be angry or hungry.
Do not show that perilous nature to kids

The Best Poem Of Prakash P Koshy

Good Bye To Urban Blossoms

It is sad to bid adieu to you Gulmohar blossoms this season,
You give us visual treat for many days.
You withstand the onslaught of melting summer,
And in the scorching times you bequeath us hues of enchantment,
Your saffron blossoms are atypical in this urban jungle.
Like silver lightening in the downpour
We see them only for moments.
Your blast of colors really makes our journey worth in this wilderness,
Where humming of bees seldom heard and the colorful sights
of butterflies never seen.

When you cover the tree with saffron tint and green leaves,
You look gorgeous.
But we always wait for the day you shed your leaves
making you soaked purely in orange colour.
Adorned in single hue makes you a mesmerizing sight in the age
of machines and chips.
Though the leaves are life for you,
You drop them to give our eyes balls a flamboyant display.
You are beautiful both in night where full Moon does not
withhold its milky light and in the day where the Sun is
so cruel with its blazing rays.
But we like the nights where occasional breeze flowing
through your curved petals give us some rest.

Dark clouds are hovering over the sky,
And you hesitantly drop the blossoms too.
Sad that you are departing us.
Happy that you will come after four seasons with the rains of flower.
Hope you will regain strength through the new green blades
and pitter patter rain drops.
Give us more beautiful visual delight next year
Till then, good bye to Gulmohar blossoms.

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