Praneetha Perera

Praneetha Perera Poems

When you are old
your talents and skills are not recognized
Even if you show your colours
As the young ones do

Unpleasant memories are like a never ending wound
They hurt you to the hilt until the day you die
Even it says that time heals everything
They irritate your life always

The scene of a bomb blast

Bodies and body parts strewn all over the place
Hand bags, slippers and other belongings of people too

A Mirage

He was not the person
She thought


Whenever I go out from my house
I always see a Magpie on my tree top

Remember me
When I am gone to the oblivion
Remember me
When you cannot hold my hand anymore

She, my sis, has an amazing faith in God
with all her difficulties in life
She enjoys her God given life
Even though she has physical difficulties

Do whatever service you can do
To your family and to the community

Praneetha Perera Biography

My home town is Moratuwa in the Western province of Sri Lanka. I went to Princess of Wales of College Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I did a Diploma in Journalism at University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, the topic for my project report was Media Freedom in Sri Lanka I have four sisters and three of them are married and having children. One Son of my eldest sister is married and has a child.)

The Best Poem Of Praneetha Perera

Talents Of Old People

When you are old
your talents and skills are not recognized
Even if you show your colours
As the young ones do

This is the pattern of the world
No one can change it
That is the destiny of the old
The answer to this problem is
You have to change yourself
Without getting your
Feelings hurt
Because you cannot
Change the world
And you find discrimination
All over the world

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