Prosper Nwokoro

Prosper Nwokoro Poems

There is no prison greater than a fettered soul in Love;
There is no gate, no warden, only an Inadvertent torment in confinement.
Living a paradox, Loving better as it hurts.
There is no one to one correlation between two hearts;

There was once a lady, so pretty, so true
To her unfelt lover, that made her a fool.
She felt so pretty, and her fickle lover too,
No doubt made her finery a pleasure as due.

Prosper Nwokoro Biography

Prosper Nwokoro is a young vibrant Nigerian poet. He studied Economics and Statistics in the University of Benin, benin city, Edo state, Nigeria. He is a lover of poetry and short stories and has written several poems and contributed to several anthologies globally.)

The Best Poem Of Prosper Nwokoro


There is no prison greater than a fettered soul in Love;
There is no gate, no warden, only an Inadvertent torment in confinement.
Living a paradox, Loving better as it hurts.
There is no one to one correlation between two hearts;
There are no non-zero sum games in the intenerance of True love;

There you lay, hoping to be in the rhythm that flows from her heart;
Love, a raging sword in Ambivalence, saves a few, kills a few other.
Like the wind that keeps the tree swinging,
And yet, in its sobre moment, pulls it from its root.
In your night, you dare to send love bubbles to wake her heart,
But her night, is filled with dreaming of the perfect man;
In her clairvoyance, she may never see you.

Prosper Nwokoro Comments

Prosper Nwokoro Quotes

When you see me, whispering to myself at dusk, playing saddening songs that tend to portray a menlacholic deportment to my telluric toils, seemingly a loner, fettered by my unwillingness to confide even in the most adorable of people, seeking the peripatetic life which inadvertently stampedes any lingering optimism at the treacherous disposition of the human heart, it is a reflection of my inurement to an easy sail in Life. Unwilling to be an accessory in the grieving of those before me, craving and yet, ignoring the fallible reciprocative outlook of life, and finally, bifurcating my Contrivances, to first, Live for those I call my family, and then, the fortunate many, fated to benefit from me in this Elapsing frame.

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