Queoxy Farm

Queoxy Farm Poems


Some landed near garbage way,
Others on demanded place
have uncertain life, silent and bright, almost dead, covered in
cotyledon coats

The Best Poem Of Queoxy Farm


Some landed near garbage way,
Others on demanded place
have uncertain life, silent and bright, almost dead, covered in
cotyledon coats

The scorching sun and drought are two friends, enemy for life on land;
in many ways, put them in dormancy phase

The blizzard and storm make them shivering and down,
throw the life miles away from ground with broken crown

Maybe, both silent struggler babble with angst mind
and all calamity get curse rhyme

Nevertheless, a hope survive to revive
silently waiting..........

As the first drop, touches the feet
soon imbibition gives first heart beat
we can't feel but seed smile inside

Now seedling divides, journey arrive for whole life
by tearing and piercing the coats and roads
one for sun other for core,
than farmer heart throbs

contemplate: struggler survive!
Gradually seed becomes tree, tree becomes fruits
all are because of farmer coddle moods

Though demanded place get better sight
but we don't know about garbage side-
no matter how bright! ! ! As our life.
- Ab.KhaliQue

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Queoxy Farm Quotes

'Writing without reading is like a universe without Earth' -Que

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