r. A. bentinck

r. A. bentinck Poems

Some girls have
The body
That would have guys
Going 100 MPH on the highway

I will continue to pelt
My words on the windowpane
Of your heart,

Every day I commute
In a world punctuated by
Some wonderful smiles.

As long as society is her shepherd
She shall always want.
They will always make her lie
In green pastures for promiscuous

I remember that first night
Under the soothing moonlight
That chased the darkness away;

This might sound crazy,
But there is a certain pleasure
In watching you from a distance,
And soaking up all

We bury ourselves and our lives in the technologies

While silently selling our humanity.

Dear father,

Have you seen your daughter lately?

i was counting my blessings
and i found myself
counting you multiple times.

I know the stars
Love your presence
As much as I do.

There is a particular place
In the clear sky
Where the morning sun
Always reaches,

I've learned the value of carrying
Your smile in my heart, to turn it on
When my life gets dull.

r. A. bentinck Biography

r. A. bentinck is a #1 Best Seller author in Caribbean & Latin American Poetry, He is an Artist and Educator with a B. A. Degree in Fine Arts (Hons) and a Diploma in Education from the University of Guyana. For more information check my author page: https: //www.rabentinck.com/)

The Best Poem Of r. A. bentinck

Beyond Beauty

Some girls have
The body
That would have guys
Going 100 MPH on the highway
And still taking suicidal chances
For a prolonged backward stare.

Some girls have the wittiness
And charisma to engage
Some men intellectually
While scaring others off.

Some girls are so
Spiritually gifted
That they bring nothing but
Pure blessings into your life.

But you,
You are different.
You all these things
Fashioned into one.

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