R. K. Hart

R. K. Hart Poems

Children are the gentle breezes for which parents plea.
They come they play around us then they flee.
We would hold them to our breast,
Protecting against all of life's dreadful tests.

Lovers float gently past Lilly pads flowering,
Swans pass in pairs long necks caressing.
Stealing behind her parasol for a kiss are sweet hearts,
A couple share a basket of small sandwiches and sweet tarts.


Why do you only see me when I cry,
And not when my eyes are dry.
Only when my happy heart is broken,
And not when happiness has spoken.


He can open the petal of the dark red rose.
And bring it's sweet scent to my nose.
He can teach a spider to spin its intricate web.
And grow a glorious flower in its dark soiled bed.

I spoke to the stream about the soft blue of your eyes,
After many a try to copy she failed and cried.
I told the harvest about the colour of your golden hair,
It tried to mimic a beauty beyond compare.

There is a most wonderful girl who is my sum.
I will tell you now you call Mum.
She has the beauty of the queen of the Nile.
I could not live without the glimpse of her smile.

The moon has lost it’s comforting embrace,
On the earths’ gentle face.

Imagine wearing one or more of heavens crowns,
Makes one think in quizzical frowns.

There are things to search for in your days.
There are things to hunt down to correct our ways
Attributes that make us better men.
Better men for both our wives and children.

Come look at me if you please, a woman honored by all.
To show great strength in sorrow was her call.
From a humble village she came, much bereft.
Nathanael said, "Can anything good come from Nazareth"?

I was walking by the river one day,
When I saw a young girl throw something away.
She removed it from her hand,
Then with her foot stamped it into snow white sand.

I myself like to speak plain,
Sometimes others drive me insane.
They say fine is my pronunciation,
And does not produce castigation.

I love to walk by the willows along the valley road,
Just before sparkling stars fade and night turns to dawn.
When nocturnal creatures return to their homes,
Lazy mist lifts from the stream and birds greet the morn.


Roses come into our lives then fade a die,
Some yellow others red as a summer's sky.
There are other roses that enter ones life,
Grand Children, husbands or a wife.

He Rides The Dog Fence.

He rides the dog fence a top his red grey horse,
Checking for damage, camels, sand, and wild dogs the source.

Did you find this woman beyond worthy?
She would be heavenly, one beyond earthy.
Money does not buy one just so,
Her husband trusts her till his heart does glow.

Love makes giants out of wimps, men out of boys. Young men feel more manly, young women feel more glamorous. Love makes the heart take flight.

My love flies gently from cloud to cloud,

Maddie was out shopping with her Mum,
However, Mum was just a little glum.
Mrs Mouse was in her garden picking corn,
You see, yesterday a rose had stuck her with a thorn.

A man stands his fist is clenched,
From it, nought will be wrenched.
He refuses to allow a graceful God to resolve,
His hurts and problems are his to solve.

They took Him before Pilate and asked, 'How do you plead'?
We want to know before we beat you till you bleed.
He knew not how to begin,
For you see He had no sin.

R. K. Hart Biography

I would'nt call my self a poet artist. I write more as a tradesman poet. trying to create something that brings bring a little joy to the hearts of others and achievement for myself.)

The Best Poem Of R. K. Hart

A Fathers Words To His Child.

Children are the gentle breezes for which parents plea.
They come they play around us then they flee.
We would hold them to our breast,
Protecting against all of life's dreadful tests.

You teach and doggedly hold.
But the day must come when they break from the mold.
With resounding break of a parental heart.
They step away, a life of their own to start.

I watched a beautiful young woman as she stepped the isle.
With maids surrounding she flashes her parents a comforting smile.
Where is the tomboy, who bowled the boys out?
And where is our back yards loudest shout.

God gives such gifts to unworthy types like me,
Here is my wealth, this is my treasury.
Even though she resides within another man's walls,
There's a part of me that remembers the mischievous calls.

My baby has grown into a woman of great strength, for sure.
And has a man that adores her, what's more.
She faces life's challenges with a tigress's might.
Amazing to watch this fearsome sight.

From porcelain doll with features so fine
To beautiful warrior princess in such a short space of time.
But remember should God give me the wisdom to listen,
I have a broad shoulder when a tear upon cheek should glisten.

So my blessing, my love, and many hours of prayer, are given to you.
Pass your battles to Jesus and He will see you through.
May days a soft breezes, gentle sunlight, and summer flowers,
Along with sweet family laughter, encompass your waking hours.

R. K. Hart Comments

Margaret Haig 01 December 2012

That line. In the loves poem Loves nature. I was taught at school. I wasn't to repeat at start and end same words, Could it be different. Not forcing you to change, only asking if not its the restis okie dokey. Mate

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