Rachel McKnight

Rachel McKnight Poems

While sleepy thoughts go through your head
The monsters stir beneath your bed
Afraid to even fall alseep
Scared of what dreams will reap

Eyes so bright
Searching the forest
Like little spotlights
And when you've found

The poet sings
Of dreadfull things
For that is all he knows
Of dark winter days

Put the gun in my mouth
Then shot away
Go on and do it
Have you nothing to say?

The Best Poem Of Rachel McKnight

In The Night

While sleepy thoughts go through your head
The monsters stir beneath your bed
Afraid to even fall alseep
Scared of what dreams will reap
But this cursed body cannot take
24 hours of being awake
So try all you want to fight your fear
Because, too late, your dreams are here

Among them are evils without a name
by tomarrow you won't be sane
Trapped inside your own dreams
No one even hears your screams
they torture you with your own fears
and they laugh at your tears

The sun will rise for dawn to break
and from your dreams you will awake
With a cold sweat and your heart racing
around your room you will start pacing

So as strange as it may seem
I dread it when I have to dream

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