Rachel Sasser

Rachel Sasser Poems

When night next finds you alone, and folds you in his cold embrace will you then cry for the lover once known, the warmth of your bodies intertwined, the taste of his kiss? Oh! weep not for the precious hours that have past and were spent in such utter bliss. Why should this love bring such painful tears to thine eyes? You were once quite happy in this! So when next night finds you alone, rest easy in the remembrance of this; for while your heart is crying for his, does not his cry also for yours?

I muse to pass the waiting, consumed with You. I close my eyes to see your face, I'm transported to another time, another place. You and I together I can almost feel you again, taste you again. How I loathe reality it strips me from you, except for the precious bits that we still have. I would close my eyes forever if it meant we'd be together.

Rachel Sasser Biography

I'm quite obviously not a poet. Simply a girl bursting with imagination and simple thoughts.)

The Best Poem Of Rachel Sasser

The Nights Embrace

When night next finds you alone, and folds you in his cold embrace will you then cry for the lover once known, the warmth of your bodies intertwined, the taste of his kiss? Oh! weep not for the precious hours that have past and were spent in such utter bliss. Why should this love bring such painful tears to thine eyes? You were once quite happy in this! So when next night finds you alone, rest easy in the remembrance of this; for while your heart is crying for his, does not his cry also for yours?

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