Rahman Henry Poems

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Grape Harvesting

The Reunion

Here stopped the horse
Beside her

He came down

Cause And Effect

Angling needs a pond
with full of water and fish
Never shoot to miss

In Some Full Moon Of Dole

Crispy, like melodious romantic songs of some Hondi films, the moon-light are flowing past the bosom of Chaitra; wind is sitting drooping in that far-away field, on the aerial roots of banyan tree, pathetic Gazals of Galib are strolling in the veranda collide with each other; proud drifting moon-beam of this night dim-lights of the night-bulbs took leave. The nightly dusts fly over the clouds; and drooping clouds bend down somewhere at the far end of the field, near the brimming water of swamp...

I could easily see, your sleepless locks of hairs sometimes becomes unruly and then suddenly turns very timid and tame. An indolent curled-up python is lying lazily in her dreamless sleep; let her breath of sudden awakening, take me away to the remote distance, where a pair of birds, are, like black-n-white image flying tireless...

A Triad

The Girl

Wanted to reach the sky
And touched finally;

Desired to be the sky

তুষারাকীর্ণ বনভূমি ঘেঁষে থামা ।। Bengalized by Rahman Henry

[Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
by Robert Frost]

A Dream-Color Marble

Look my love, my fugitive queen!

Everyday is a today, and
Every upcoming day is

The Tale Of Queen Brojosundari


It's me who is the originator of silence; and this night is originated as per my proposal. Even in depression, In my imagination, I can see the clear turquoise and light pushing aside the metallic sphere! Underground is my world, and at a far distant the settlements are, where incresing the number of graves, shurbs of suspicion and the uncertain future; And the accumulation of thick fog that is capable enough to void our sight... surely, there is a hole in the blue sky and the fire well; Maybe they all slept together comet, sea and the necter of moral stories... but its a little earlier, they had been hired a tomb for me and started to whitewash it; and were painting on the walls that flower who opened her petals in the Brojo eve while I asked her name and showed me the technique of hiding scent to reserve for her beloved!

Let's Mourn

I would like to mourn for palestine
I would like to mourn for Iraq
I would like to mourn for Afganistan
I would like to mourn for Libya

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