Philippines is a country
Blessed with beauties of nature,
A country that has
Their own unique culture.
Streets of the roaring town,
Hush for him, hus, be still!
He comes, who was stricken down
Doing the word of our will.
Let me hear you Shout! !
How do I begin to tell you 'bout this friend
Who's like no other
Sometimes you're broken or sometimes you loss?
Don't give-up,
It's only a challenge to us
Not the end,
No one ever saw me like you do
All the things that I could add up too
I never knew just what a smile was worth
But your eyes see everything without a single word
once upon a Monday evening, while in class I pondered leaving
over many a quaint and curious volume of organic chemistry -
while I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there cam a tapping,
as of someone gently rapping, rapping at the chalkboard -
Just what is it in me?
sometimes I just don't know
what keeps me in your love
why you never let me go
know my friends-
they are those born
in nipa huts in the countryside,
under patched-up roofs
After the storm, how clear are the surroundings
the covering darkness disappears in a moment
hardened soil softens in the water
wet trees quickly spread green
When the face of the sun is red,
There is war.
-Folk Saying
Deep red is the face of the sun
The world was clean before we came...
but we did not have even the slightest
sense of decency to think that it is
not a big garbage can or trash mound;
I was born on august 27,1985 to the Land of promise part of Philippines Island in Mindanao Province. I'm the second son of Mr. Luiz Estoque Estanque and Estrella Amancio Estanque.I have 3 Brother's and 3 Sister's. I studied my elementary at Macarimbang Alegado Memorial Elementary School(MAC-ALE) . I Graduated my secondary class at Datu Ayunan National High School Cotabato City. Now, I conteniusly to study my BSE course at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasay, Pasay City, Manila, Philippines. ******************************************************* In Spanish: Nací el agosto 27.1985 a la tierra de la pieza de la promesa de la isla de Filipinas en la provincia de Mindanao. Soy el segundo hijo de Sr. Luiz Estoque Estanque y Estrella Amancio Estanque.I tiene 3 hermanos y 3 Sister's.I estudiaron mi elemental en Macarimbang Alegado School(MAC-ALE) elemental conmemorativo. Gradué mi clase secundaria en la ciudad nacional de Cotabato de la High School secundaria de Datu Ayunan. Ahora, I conteniusly para estudiar mi curso de BSE en ng Pasay, ciudad de Pasay, Manila, Filipinas del ng Lungsod de Pamantasan ****************************************************** In French: J'ai été soutenu août 27.1985 à la terre de la pièce de promesse de l'île de Philippines dans la province de Mindanao. Je suis le deuxième fils de M. Luiz Estoque Estanque et Estrella Amancio Estanque.I ont 3 frères et 3 Sister's.I ont étudié mon élémentaire chez Macarimbang Alegado School(MAC-ALE) élémentaire commémoratif. J'ai reçu un diplôme ma classe secondaire à la ville nationale de Cotabato de lycée de Datu Ayunan. Maintenant, I conteniusly pour étudier mon cours de BSE à NG Pasay, ville de Pasay, Manille, Philippines de NG Lungsod de Pamantasan ****************************************************** In Russian: Я б ы л п р и н е с е н н а 27.1985 -г о а в г у с т а к з е м л е ч а с т и п о с ы л а о с т р о в а philippines в п р о в и н ц и и Mindanao. Я б у д у в т о р ы м с ы н к о м г а -н Л у и з Е с т о ц у е Е с т а н ц у е и Estrella Amancio Estanque.I и м е е т 3 б р а т и 3 Sister's.I и з у ч и л и м о е э л е м е н т а р н о е н а Macarimbang Alegado м е м о р и а л ь н о м э л е м е н т а р н о м School(MAC-ALE) . Я г р а д у и р о в а л м о й в т о р и ч н ы й т и п н а г о р о д е Cotabato с т а р ш и х к л а ч ч о в с р е д н е й ш к о л ы Datu Ayunan н а ц и о н а л ь н о м . Т е п е р ь , I conteniusly д л я т о г о ч т о б ы и з у ч и т ь м о й к у р с BSE н а ng Pasay ng Lungsod Pamantasan, г о р о д е Pasay, Manila, philippines ****************************************************** In Greek: Γ ε ν ν ή θ η κ α σ τ ι ς 27.1985 Α υ γ ο ύ σ τ ο υ σ τ ο έ δ α φ ο ς τ ο υ μ έ ρ ο υ ς υ π ό σ χ ε σ η ς τ ο υ ν η σ ι ο ύ τ ω ν Φ ι λ ι π π ι ν ώ ν σ τ η ν ε π α ρ χ ί α Mindanao. Ε ί μ α ι ο δ ε ύ τ ε ρ ο ς γ ι ο ς τ ο υ κ . Luiz Estoque Estanque κ α ι estrella Amancio Estanque. π ο υ μ ε λ ε τ ώ τ ο υ α δ ε λ φ ο ύ 3 κ α ι τ η ς α δ ε λ φ ή ς 3 σ τ ο ι χ ε ι ώ δ η μ ο υ σ τ ο α ν α μ ν η σ τ ι κ ό δ η μ ο τ ι κ ό σ χ ο λ ε ί ο Macarimbang Alegado (MAC-AGGLJKI' Μ Π Ύ Ρ Α ;) . Β α θ μ ο λ ό γ η σ α τ η δ ε υ τ ε ρ ο β ά θ μ ι α κ α τ η γ ο ρ ί α μ ο υ σ τ η ν ε θ ν ι κ ή π ό λ η Cotabato γ υ μ ν α σ ί ο υ Datu Ayunan. Τ ώ ρ α , ι γ ι α ν α μ ε λ ε τ ή σ ε ι conteniusly τ η σ ε ι ρ ά μ α θ η μ ά τ ω ν EBS μ ο υ σ ε Pamantasan NG Lungsod NG Pasay, Pasay π ό λ η , Μ α ν ί λ α , Φ ι λ ι π π ί ν ε ς ******************************************************* In Italian: Sono stato riguardato agosto 27.1985 alla terra della parte di promessa dell'isola delle Filippine nella provincia di Mindanao. Sono il secondo figlio del sig. Luiz Estoque Estanque ed Estrella Amancio Estanque.I ha 3 fratelli e 3 Sister's.I hanno studiato il mio elementare a Macarimbang Alegado School(MAC-ALE) elementare commemorativo. Mi sono laureato il mio codice categoria secondario alla città nazionale di Cotabato della High School di Datu Ayunan. Ora, I conteniusly per studiare il mio corso di BSE alla NG Pasay, città di Pasay, Manila, Filippine di NG Lungsod di Pamantasan ******************************************************* In Portuguese: Eu fui carregado em agosto 27.1985 à terra da peça da promessa do console de Filipinas na província de Mindanao. Eu sou o segundo filho do Sr. Luiz Estoque Estanque e Estrella Amancio Estanque.I tem 3 irmãos e 3 Sister's.I estudaram meu elementar em Macarimbang Alegado School(MAC-ALE) elementar memorial. Eu graduei minha classe secundária na cidade nacional de Cotabato da High School de Datu Ayunan. Agora, I conteniusly para estudar meu curso de BSE em ng Pasay do ng Lungsod de Pamantasan, cidade de Pasay, Manila, Filipinas ******************************************************* In Korean: ³ª´ÂMindanaoÁö¹æ¾È¿¡ Çʸ®ÇÉ ¼¶ÀÇ ¾à¼Ó ºÎ¼ÓÀÇ ¶¥¿¡ ´ç´çÇÑ27,1985¿¡ ž´Ù. LuizEstoqueEstanque³ª´Â ¾¾ÀÇ Á¦ 2 ¾Æµé ÀÌ°íEstrellaAmancioEstanque.I¿¡´Â 3¸íÀÇ ÇüÁ¦°¡ ÀÖ°í 3Sister's.IÀºMacarimbangAlegado±â³äÇÏ´Â ÃʵîSchool(MAC-ALE) ¿¡ ³ªÀÇ ÃʵîÀ» °øºÎÇß´Ù. ³ª´ÂDatuAyunan±¹°¡ °íµîÇб³Cotabatoµµ½Ã¿¡ ³ªÀÇ ÀÌÂ÷ Á¾·ù¸¦ Á¹¾÷Çß´Ù. conteniuslyÀÇ Áö±Ý, PamantasanngLungsodngPasayÀÇPasayµµ½Ã, ¸¶´Ò¶ó, Çʸ®ÇÉ¿¡ ³ªÀÇBSE°úÁ¤À» °øºÎÇÏ´ÂI ****************************************************** In Japanese: Ž„‚ÍMindanao ‚Ì’nˆæ‚̃tƒBƒŠƒsƒ“‚Ì“‡‚Ì–ñ‘©‚Ì•”•i‚Ì“y’n‚É‘¸Œµ‚È27,1985 ‚Ŷ‚܂ꂽBŽ„‚ÍŽ‚ÌLuiz Estoque Estanque ‘æ2 ‘§Žq‚Å‚ ‚èAEstrella Amancio Estanque.I ‚É3 l‚ÌŒZ’킪‚ ‚èA3 Sister's.I ‚ÍMacarimbang Alegado ‹L”O‚ÌŠî–{“I‚ÈSchool(MAC-ALE) ‚ÅŽ„‚ÌŠî–{‚𒲸‚µ‚½BŽ„‚ÍDatu Ayunan ‚Ì‘–¯‚Ì‚“™ŠwZ‚ÌCotabato “sŽs‚ÅŽ„‚Ì“ñŽŸƒNƒ‰ƒX‚𑲋Ƃ³‚¹‚½B¡APamantasan ‚ÌNG Lungsod ‚ÌNG Pasay ‚ÌPasay “sŽsAƒ}ƒjƒ‰AƒtƒBƒŠƒsƒ“‚ÅŽ„‚ÌBSE ‚̃R[ƒX‚𒲸‚·‚éconteniusly I ******************************************************* In German: Ich wurde an August 27.1985 zum Land des Versprechung Teils von Philippinen Insel in der Mindanao Provinz getragen. Ich bin der zweite Sohn von Herrn Luiz Estoque Estanque und Estrella Amancio Estanque.I haben 3 Bruders und 3 Sister's.I studierten mein grundlegendes bei Macarimbang Alegado grundlegendes Erinnerungsschool(MAC-ALE) . Ich graduierte meine Sekundärkategorie Datu Ayunan an der nationalen High School Cotabato Stadt. Jetzt I conteniusly, zum meines BSE Kurses an Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasay, Pasay Stadt, Manila, Philippinen zu studieren ******************************************************* In French: J'ai été soutenu août 27.1985 à la terre de la pièce de promesse de l'île de Philippines dans la province de Mindanao. Je suis le deuxième fils de M. Luiz Estoque Estanque et Estrella Amancio Estanque.I ont 3 frères et 3 Sister's.I ont étudié mon élémentaire chez Macarimbang Alegado School(MAC-ALE) élémentaire commémoratif. J'ai reçu un diplôme ma classe secondaire à la ville nationale de Cotabato de lycée de Datu Ayunan. Maintenant, I conteniusly pour étudier mon cours de BSE à NG Pasay, ville de Pasay, Manille, Philippines de NG Lungsod de Pamantasan ******************************************************* In Dutch: Ik was geboren op 27,1985 augustus aan het Land van een beloftedeel van het Eiland van Filippijnen in Provincie Mindanao. Ik ben de tweede zoon van M. Luiz Estoque Estanque en Estrella Amancio Estanque. ik Broer 3 heb en Zuster 3 die mijn elementair wordt bestudeerd op de Herdenkings Basisschool van Macarimbang Alegado (MAC-AAL) . Ik behaalde mijn secundaire klasse bij Stad van Cotabato van de Hoge School van Datu Ayunan de Nationale een diploma. Nu, I conteniusly om mijn BSE cursus in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasay, Pasay Stad, Manilla, Filippijnen te bestuderen ******************************************************* In Traditional Chinese: §Ú¥X¥Í¦b¤K¤ë27,1985 ¹ïµá«ß»«®ü®qªº¿Õ¨¥¹s¥ó¤g¦a¦bMindanao ¬Ù¡C§Ú¬OLuiz Estoque Estanque ªº¥ý¥Í²Ä¤GÓ¨à¤l¨Ã¥BEstrella Amancio Estanque.I ¦³3 Ó¥S§Ìªº¨Ã¥B3 Sister's.I ¾Ç²ß¤F§Ú°ò¥»¦bMacarimbang Alegado ¬ö©À°ò¥»ªºSchool(MAC-ALE) ¡C§Ú²¦·~¤F§Úªº¦¸nÃþ¦bDatu Ayunan ¥þ°ê°ª¤¤Cotabato ¥«¡C²{¦b, I conteniusly ¾Ç²ß§ÚªºBSE ¸ô½u¦bPamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasay, Pasay ¥«, °¨¥§©Ô, µá«ß»« ******************************************************* In Simplified Chinese: ÎÒ³öÉúÔÚÍþÑÏ27,1985 ¶Ô·ÆÂɱöº£µºµÄŵÑÔÁã¼þÍÁµØÔÚMindanao Ê¡¡£ÎÒÊÇLuiz Estoque Estanque µÄÏÈÉúµÚ¶þ¸ö¶ù×Ó²¢ÇÒEstrella Amancio Estanque.I ÓÐ3 ¸öÐֵܵIJ¢ÇÒ3 Sister's.I ѧϰÁËÎÒ»ù±¾ÔÚMacarimbang Alegado ¼ÍÄî»ù±¾µÄSchool(MAC-ALE) ¡£ÎÒ±ÏÒµÁËÎҵĴÎÒªÀàÔÚDatu Ayunan È«¹ú¸ßÖÐCotabato ÊС£ÏÖÔÚ£¬I conteniusly ѧϰÎÒµÄBSE ·ÏßÔÚPamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasay £¬Pasay ÊУ¬ÂíÄáÀ£¬·ÆÂɱö)
Philippines Is A Blessed Nation
Philippines is a country
Blessed with beauties of nature,
A country that has
Their own unique culture.
Though we may think Philippines
Is corrupted and poor,
But with all the problems it faced,
It was still able to endure.
Natural resources are also rich in this land,
With farmers who work hard, hand in hand.
They plow the field and harvest grains,
For our sake, they work in pain.
Philippines has a very interesting history
It will certainly take time to uncover its
And when all of these we’ll be able to study,
We’ll now understand its secrets and beauty.
Yes, indeed, Philippines is a blessed nation,
The one thing it lacks is diligence and
God loves this country and understands our pain,
So if we strive harder, all our lost will become
our gain.
Philippines might become a better country one
Because with God’s help, we know that there’s
still a way.
mahal ko kayo! ! ! kumusta mga kapatid? hello sa lahat ng mga filipino sa'n mang dako sa mundo. muahhhhhhh more kisses