Randy McClave Poems

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The Short Sword (47 Ronin)

To all read accounts and to all accord
The vendetta began with the use of one short sword,
Lord Asano was insulted because he wouldn't give a bribe
He then attacked Lord Kira with vengeance for his honor and pride.

Hating The Cold

I think that I am getting old,
As I have now begun to despise the cold,
That cold, cold wind and the freezing ice
Where my fingers, toes and nose is numbed through sacrifice.

Waiting For A Thank You

Do not ever expect a thank you
When you do a favor for a friend,
Do not seek their gratitude as a revenue
If you do so, then do not ever borrow or lend.

Why Are We Here

I stare at the stars at night,
They've been there for a million years,
Then I listen to the quite
That has been heard by a million ears,

The Disobedient Son

He doesn't do what he is told
So I scold and scold and scold and scold
All his actions get so daring and so very bold
He now talks back to his peers and the old,

God, Are You There?

GOD, Are you there?
Do you still listen as I pray
If you still do, I need you Lord,
There is so much I need to say.

Muscle And Bone

GOD creates out of muscle and bone
Man creates out of steel and stone
Man builds his structures to grow and rise,
To sail the waves or touch the sky.


The tiny, little town of Gnatwoods
A place where I would not want to live,
With constant disruption, from bigotry, racism and corruption
Maybe someday them all GOD might forgive.

Grow Old Together

I know never to say forever
But, let's grow old together,
Lets not our years, disappear
Falling like lonely tears.

Deserving Better

You deserve better than me
Said the Apple to the Tree
For all I do is hold you down
And then I plummet to the ground.

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