Randy McClave Poems

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Daddy's Little Girl

They say that she is daddy’s little girl
As she curtsies and does her little twirl,
But, the moment she is ignored or you interrupt
She becomes self centered and violent and she will erupt,

Going To Church

I did not put on my suit, and not even a tie
As I go to church to worship and praise,
Although I am seen as an outcast, a pariah
But, still wouldn't GOD want to see me in these days.

Another Birthday

Another blown candle ends another year,
Which brings friends and family happiness and also a cheer,
Reminiscing and celebrations, with memories and congratulations;
With grins and smiles, but it still brings a single tear;

Sex Or Food

The life for a young man isn't that complex
When they are young all they think about is having sex,
Every attractive woman becomes their distraction
And the women know it, so they become their main attraction;

Hills Of Kentucky

The hills are alive in Kentucky
Alive, as a world could be,
With her gentle sound that echoes all around
The hills they are a part of me.

Leaving Love

I have loved you since the day we met
And I will love you until that day I die,
I will love you until, my heart stands still
And then GOD, he will hear me cry.


I love to hear you sizzle while I watch you fry
With your sweet aroma filling up the room
I close my eyes and my lips are dry
From the anticipation that to me does loom.

You Don't Deserve My Love

You don't deserve my love
Those words to me she did speak
Then at that moment I just gave up
As she made my soul and heart feel weak,

Wandering Eyes

When the eyes begin to wander
The mind will start to deceive
The heart will forget to listen
And the soul will know not what to believe.

A Love Forever

My true love I will love you forever
Even when my bones turn to dust
My love for you it is everlasting
While others will fade away and bust

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