Randy McClave Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My Time Will Come Around

My time will come around
When all will put me down
Then I will not be found
And then there will be no sound.

Love Of A Woman

The love of one woman
I wonder what is it worth.
Could it be measured in dollars and cents
If for it we had to search

Life You Chose

You became a liar
You became a cheat
You became disrespectful
To all that you do meet.

Just Because

Just because you did
Doesn't mean that you should
Just because you can
Doesn't mean that you could

The Poor Man

The poor man, had died,
For him a few people had cried,
He was both thoughtful and kind
He left no worldly possessions behind;

Crossing The Street

As a pedestrian sadly I have no right
Especially when there is no traffic light,
Whenever I cross the street, I always take a chance
With life or death, to continue or end my romance.

She Was Ugly

I looked upon her face and I saw a work of art
As I stared at her every curve and line I could not part,
Beautiful hair which even out shined the golden sun
Every beauty contest that she entered, she had won.

Changing Of A Woman

She once used them to tease
And then for a man to please,
Then, them her child did seize
Now they hang to her knees.

You Gave Me. Keep A Kiss

You gave me a kiss
But, I thought it wasn't earned,
So, you I spurned.


The other night when I was asleep
I awoke then I began to weep,
Then I reached over and I kissed my wife's head;
I had dreamt that I was dead.

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