Randy McClave Poems

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Too Late

I hear the suffering from the hospital
From those young and old, and large and little,
They didn't take the advice that they were told
Now unto life many are just trying to hold.

We Will Die

It is better to make a friend than an enemy
It is better to laugh than it is to cry
It is better to take medicine than a remedy
But who cares, as one day we all will die.

One More Round

When I hear the bell,
I will go one more round
When my eye begins to swell,
I will go one more round

Two Sides To Every Story

There are two sides to every story
Not just the side of them or theirs,
So never judge or hold a grudge
And when you listen, please listen with care.

My Home Town

My home town
The place where I was born,
where I learned of love
And was taught of truth

Being Rich

We were not meant to make ourselves wealthy;
We were meant instead to make our brothers and sisters rich,
With love and care, which is normal and healthy
Isn't that how life should be? Without a catch or a hitch.

A Soldier's Belief

A man enlists to serve his nation,
Peace and democracy he wants to bolster,
He wants to help create a new foundation
So, he puts on a uniform, and he becomes a soldier.

My Death Is Coming Soon

My death it is coming soon
I can feel it in the air
And I know that I will not be missed
Even when I am lying there.


I was tempted by the devil today
But, when I saw it I turned and walked away,
Then when I was alone to GOD I did pray
I thanked him for making me strong that very day.

Forgive Them

Lord, please forgive the one who did me wrong
In my heart for them I still sing a happy song,
Though against me they still do happily sin
But, honestly God, I would probably help them once again.

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