Randy McClave Poems

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The Seed

The wind carried the seed
Into the air to who knows where
Across the weeds, floated the seed
Until to rest on the earth, which laid bare.

Warrior, He

Happy is the warrior he
When he journeys in the world of men
To provide for is family
And no one else, but them.

Iron Bars Of Mine

I stand behind these old iron bars,
To see the things, that I can see
I see a world that is changing everyday,
A world, that will not wait for me.

Inside Of You

let me in, inside of you
With my love let it soothe,
By taking you up, and lying you down,
Riding with you all around.

Peacefully, He Died

I had no choice where to be born
But if I could choose where to die
I'd choose where the lilacs grow,
And where the river runs wide.

Other Night

The other night I went to heaven
How I got there I will never know
But I realized that I was in heaven
When my feet touched the road of gold.

Tears In Heaven

If I could cry all the tears in Heaven
Would that be enough to show how I feel
For no man knows the pain in my soul,
But only me, and that pain is real.


I walked into the forest
Which laid as quite as the night
With many mighty trees standing
Which blocked out the sunlight.

One Day

I dont know when the time might come,
I dont even know where I might be
But this I do say, until that one day
That then; I will be free.

The Rose

In my hand I held the rose
As I would a woman dear,
Within my fingers I held it tight
As I wished it would not disappear.

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