Randy McClave Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Think Not

Would any other person
Do for you what I have done
Taking you for a wife,
In a battle that was easily won.


I went to a fair that came to our town once a year
To eat some popcorn and also drink some root beer
Maybe get some cotton candy and also ride some rides
I might even play some games and win myself a prize.

Once One

We were once joined together
Forever I thought we would be one
Not two or three or four or five
Just one and to continue on,

Tested By Fire

I was tested by fire when I was a young boy
I believe my age I was either four or five
It burnt me, it scarred me, me it wanted to destroy
But I won that test of fire as I did survive,

My Race

If I cannot stand straight and tall
On my hands and knees I will crawl
I might not keep up with another man’s pace
But this one thing I know, I will finish the race


Whining crying little infant
You make my life feel so insignificant
I hold you and rock you so you will sleep
But you will not, and so you still weep.

Little Bird

I watch you timid and scared little bird
As you peck for food from the ground
Sadness for you it has occurred
Today for you, no food will be found,

Time Of The Month

Suddenly she yells and she curses me
As though possessed with a demon locked deep inside
I quickly look for the closest exit as I am ready to flee
She then screams that her feelings 'are all justified',


I washed my hands my job is done
I’ve worked alone and my journal has been completed
My task has been reached with help from no one
Another project I attacked, and it has been defeated.


Be not deceived, GOD cannot be mocked
A man will always reap what he sows
GOD is no fool, but man he will be shocked
For what man does, GOD already knows,

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