Raquel Pinheiro

Raquel Pinheiro Poems

it is almost there, it is almost there
all set aside, brightly shaped, soon to be taken
the silver bus on the side lane awaits
for the never to be unfolding drama

it is almost there, it is almost there
all set aside, brightly shaped, soon to be taken
the silver bus on the side lane awaits
for the never to be unfolding drama

tell me, what was the point of it all?
the fuzz and the thrill of methodically collect
precious unique things
creating layers of amazeness

it has been a time of paint
two walls, side by side, arranged neatly
an unfashionable fashion of sorts
mirrored in layers of funky swirls

in trying to deny herself, anna saw a way out
if everybody departed who is to stay?
Is cowardice just a wise judgment?
what is so honourable in leaving?

come gather gratuitous grace
only for a few boyish, exalted and
tactful moments of stolen delight
may a wrong thing taste so good

i liked it when there was share
in a confined space of debate
it was an extraordinary time
of genuine anger and defiance

that curious smile of yours intrigued me
i'm not distracted from my body
just keep myself away from disenchantment
showered with attention, charmed sweetly

a bad boy with a heart of gold
throws a dot of crimson jello
has the sun rises and the thunder cracks
if my backbone had been broken

like a change to come
a grip recoils a glimpse of hope
when starting to see a million possibilities
where there was none

let's leap, my dear
even to a derelict house
let's leap
and get wrapped and wrapped

baldness, love and defiance
a two of hearts dating the moon
everybody has secrets
no long the book can be written

oh day!
who cares about the new that is already old
the search of the searching search is searched
rested apeace in a lake of lilacs

it was all going to go wrong
the good lost, sobbing and mourning
there, there, what went to happen
first come martin, peeping through the window

this summery breeze
so out of time
storms me
the bed undone

pomegranates, limes, persimmons, loquats
newton's apple at my feet
i dream of you
downstairs, facing the moon

and a tricky, trickfull, trickster
fifteen februaries came and went
from me you've walked
a lost twin

it's beyond tears and precludes
the haphazardly day
in which the return occurs
impatient patience withers

come monday
and there you still are
a gentle agitation
from one two become

history in reverse. parallel lines.
your pond, my hockey field
orange ginger hair; burgundy hair
the light, the shadow

Raquel Pinheiro Biography

I'm a writer, editor, poet translator, and photographer who now and then does some collages and bakes.)

The Best Poem Of Raquel Pinheiro

Poem 7

it is almost there, it is almost there
all set aside, brightly shaped, soon to be taken
the silver bus on the side lane awaits
for the never to be unfolding drama
here my will is broken, such a confined pretty room
row, row up the stream, find a gem, turn it down
a perfect line of leavesless trees
it is spring, in a minute a soft greener than green roof
will mute our thoughts
i kiss and caress your hair, words undone, of no use
goodbye my love, it was great
slowly, slowly, pass towards an ageing garden
do not. do not do that old trick, do not walk on the wire
i will not be here to hold you
there is a dash of pink around the corner
a fresh smell of strawberries, a river gaze
through the window a more pleasant view
inside is cold, a caged growing ambition
now it is almost there, it is almost there
your smile wakes me up, i long for it
just let me come across these feeble roaring dragons
and soon, so soon, in a second, i'll be with you, sweetie

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