Ravneet Kohli

Ravneet Kohli Poems

We all make mistakes everyday,
And then we think of what we have done.
They do not matter much anyway,
And from them we need to learn.

The Best Poem Of Ravneet Kohli


We all make mistakes everyday,
And then we think of what we have done.
They do not matter much anyway,
And from them we need to learn.

Everyone must make mistakes to succeed.
There's nobody in the world who doesn't make any.
It's natural in life, so you must proceed.
And it can sometimes be funny.

No one is God, so as you see,
That they will not make a mistake.
We all know about it, ask me,
A sorry is all that it will take.

These things always happen in life.
They make us realize, and then we regret.
So always keep this formula in mind,
Learn to forgive, and to forget.

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