Ray Hansell Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Is This You?

I hate the way I look
I hate the way I feel
I hate the way I know
That my hate is real

A World Without Love

A world without love
Would be the saddest place
Because everyone you'd meet
Would wear their saddest face

You Stole My Heart

The maker of music
The teller of tales
I hope and pray
My songs never fail

You Showed Me Love Is Fun

You tell me that you're amazed
With the words I write
You say you think of them
As you lay in bed at night

To Share With You

The stars are out tonight
They will be out tomorrow night to
From now until forever
I'll get to share them always with you

You Will See It's True

You know it's still true
That I get a thrill from you
I'm so happy to say
That it will always be that way

You Will Love Again

You wipe the tears from your face
But in your eyes there's still a trace
Of a love that lived not long ago
Your pain and sorrow still shows

Since You Went Away

Since you went away the sun don’t shine
Since you went away my words don’t rhyme
Since you went away all it does is rain
Since you went away I live my life in vain

Would You Be My Wife?

We've only been together
For a short time I know
But what I feel inside for you
Just continues grow

I Always Knew

I use to walk in fields of gold
Beneath a burning sun
I would walk all day long
Until the day was done

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