Ray Hansell Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I'm Very Sorry

It Wasn't You

Your touch so warm and tender
Your kiss so gentle soft
Just now I'm realizing
Exactly what I've lost

Over Before It Started

The pain I'm feeling deep inside
Is really nothing new
The pain is cause by love
A love that never grew

Her Song Of Love For Me

She sang her song of love to me
In the darkness of the night
Her words reassured me
That everything would be alright

Missing Your Words

I haven't read a poem
From you in a while
I really do miss them
As they always make me smile

The Winter Months

A No Zone

Do you have a "no zone"
A place I cannot touch
Even though I tell you
That I love you so very much

Only Memories Left

We're at the intersection
The crossroads of our love
I am sure that you know
Exactly what I'm speaking of

Now I Know

I thought that love had given up
On people like me
But when I turned around
Love was all I could see

Nothing Personal

I never have much to say
That's just the way I am
When I do my talking
I do it with my pen

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