Ray Lucero Poems

Hit Title Date Added
'You Are What You Eat'

“Eat drink and make merry” dear friends
What goes in your mouth passes right thru
Mind denies what a sour stomach contends
As well as effect of left-behind toxic residue

Chiron Beckons

Stargazers discovered planet Chiron 30 years ago
Dismissed by many astronomers as “far too small”
What they missed was astrological perspective
'Chiron avails personal healing to one and all'

With A Romantic Heart…

With a romantic heart I love you
With a knowing soul sincerely care
Meet me at our secret rendezvous
Undying devotion, I'll there declare

Beloved Friend

(To she who always encourages, appreciates and praises my writings)

Beloved friend…
I most humbly offer;

Prayer For Healing

I am a Divine Act of Creation
Here, now, and forever
I am self-contained and complete

Bait & Switch

His campaign platform promised change
“All will share in the American dream”
The stench of 911 still hung down-range
A Nation still reeling from Bush regime

Feel Better My Love?

(To my best friend)

I pray after you read this letter
Sweet love, you’re feeling better

Lord Of Earth And Sky

Be aware;

The Lord God is here!

'Suicide By Cop'

New phenomena infests this age
Known best as “Suicide by Cop”
Tied to frustrated youth enraged
After seeing violent acts nonstop

Lemurian Or Atlantean?

Look at me do I seem alien?
Do I not look like you?
Am I too outspoken?
Am I odd because I express from an open heart?

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