Ray Lucero Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Emma Squeekmire

A childhood friend named Emma Squeekmire
Was a mean little girl who liked playing with fire
One day Emma set our Grade School ablaze
With gasoline, a match and a jar of mayonnaise

Children Are Not Possessions

Your children are not your children;

They are the sons and daughters life
longing for itself

A Chance For Romance

Time moves on, best take a chance,
To reach for true love without delay
For affection, intimacy n' romance,
The longing in my heart I must obey

Nancy's Birds

Much can be said about Nancy's birds;

One thing is for sure birds love to visit her cottage by the sea,
Because they know they are invited, welcomed guests,

Detroit In Ruin

Bankers’ scheme and do exploit;
And profit from a failed economy
First city to fall, Michigan’s Detroit
Broken/stripped of its autonomy

Monsanto Or Monsatan?

Monsanto perpetrating stealth genocide;
By splicing genes of animals, insects n' plants
They've pushed 'Mother Nature' far aside
Imagine eating corn crossed with fish or ants

Can You Handle His Truth?

The old warrior addressed Congress one last time
He spoke of truth, justice n' liberty for everyone
Proposed we put an end to "White color crime"
Whilst fellow congressmen sniggered n' made fun

Six Directions

East brings life
West brings death
North bestows wisdom
South promises innocence


In this great world of God's Creation
Souls stand abreast awaiting activation

Sublimely crafted this human form

Gathering Storm

Static-air, forebodes a coming storm
American troops march to global war
Nearly one in ten shall wear a uniform
Raindrops prepare a deadly downpour

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