Ray Lucero Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ember In My Soul

Fire once raged fervent in my soul
A universe of potential and wonder
Needed nothing to bolster or console
Till growing older stole my thunder

Guantanamo Prisoners

It’s clear, Bush cadre position
Detaining prisoners without trial
Re instituted Spanish Inquisition
With malice Muslim’s faith defile

I Am A Divine Act Of God


I am a Divine Act of God;
Here, now and forever

Depoe Bay

On Oregon coast down “101” way
Where the sea meets old lava flow
Lay a hamlet known as Depoe Bay
Where seawater geysers do blow

Ocean Breezes

Seagull’s updraft ride
Over beaches glide
On breakers, seals slide
Wily crabs, in coral hide


(To the Islands of Hawaii)

Strand of pearls broken
Strewn ‘cross vast waters

The Beauty Of Love

Today, like every day, you may
Wake up empty and frightened.

Do not open the door to your study and begin reading,

Mind Over Manner?

Some thoughts are based in logic
Spawned by intellectual left brain
Some thoughts are based in magic
When right brain bids soul explain

Nocturnal Transmissions

At night in dreams she comes to me
In full length gown with veil of lace
With nobility, grace, grand authority
Gives sweet kiss ‘n warm embrace

Atlas Shrunk

They watched “Almighty Dollar” depreciate
After Gold/Silver Standard went up in vapor
A once great Nation became second-rate
After greedy few traded paper for paper

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