Rebensky JeanCharles

Rebensky JeanCharles Poems

There is a lost child walking the streets of depression.
While his parents are taking sips from a depressant.
He plays alone in his room, believing that he was doomed since the moment he came out of the womb.
His parents walk the hallways of the home not noticing his presence.

There is a shooting star in the sky, its bright vivid glow is symbolizing a perished life ascending into heaven.
The pain of the life before is gone and the heart is striving with joy.
The hardship is gone and the peace is forever.
Wipe away the tears, remember the good and not the bad.

I took a long walk to clear my mind of despair and pity.
My mind is stuck reminiscing about the lost past as I listen to old music.
The wind is blowing at my face as the temperature of the day goes down.
The bright lights on the streets blocked my view of the stars in the sky.

I'm afraid to walk through the shiny gate, because the gate keeper doesn't allow any entree.
I'm afraid to see the stars because they burned my eyes from staring too long.
I'm afraid to walk the road because the directions are lost to me....
I'm afraid to open the room because the last one was locked and there stood a hooded man with dagger.

I promise to give you the light when there is darkness in yours.
I want to look into your eyes just to know what forever feels like.
The same eyes that I look at when I want to see the beauty of the northern lights.
I promise to hold you when it's chilly, just like a teddy bear on a thunderous night at home.

I need love like the earth needs the moon on a lonely night.
I want love like a trophy after winning a hard race.
I see love like two doves at a lake on a sunny morning.
I saw love after seeing you for the first time.

Falling back
I failed backed when I realized I wasn't important to you.
I failed back when I saw the responses were unopened messages.
I failed back when I believed that the possibilities of us being together was negative ten.

I wonder why the sun don't come, its bright ray of light has vanish from the sky leaving only a black memory of its past year.
The night and day are no longer divided from the light of the sun.
The stars leave only a dot of their appearance in the sky.
I wonder why the sun don't come, its absence is rotting away the earth motivation to live.

I caught fire with the gloves of faith.
It burned my skin like a furnace.
I dreamed of the day when the fire will disappear.
When the night time is chilly and being able to see the shiny stars.

When the sun comes, light comes, a bright light to tell you there is hope.
Stop hiding, the light brings warmth.
Enjoy the light, it stays for a while then leaves again.
Enjoy the company, because one day the light will disappear forever.

My brother, role model and mentor
He is a legend in his era, a captain in his ship
A courageous man with the attributes of a king
Compassionate but rules with a thunderous voice

Rebensky JeanCharles Biography

Rebensky Jean-Charles is a kid from the island of Haiti who came to America in 2000, with his family to seek a better life. He has lived in Belle Glade, Florida, Winter Haven, Flroida, Bradenton Flrodia and now residing in Pensacola Flroida where he is attending the University Of West Florida where he is majoring in Accounting. Rebensky is a young man who believes in equality in the world, and wants the world to read his view points on matters that are associated with love, violence, politics and peace. Enjoy the readings from the mind of Rebensky Jean-Charles.)

The Best Poem Of Rebensky JeanCharles

Lost Child

There is a lost child walking the streets of depression.
While his parents are taking sips from a depressant.
He plays alone in his room, believing that he was doomed since the moment he came out of the womb.
His parents walk the hallways of the home not noticing his presence.
Even at school he is alone, he keeps to himself believing that no one cares about his opinion in matters.
He is a lost child in a world of despair and deception.
He is nonchalant in his feelings, he shows no emotion because he was given no emotion.
He walks the path of life with his head down, afraid that if anyone seen his frown they would believe that he was a clown.
He never cheers because the tears in his eyes has only seen lies.
He never says a peep because the real world has hit him deep even within his sleep.
He is a lost child with a heart that was never given a spark.
He is a lost child that only needed love and compassion, but was given only dissatisfaction.

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