Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Growing Up

Crawling, crying, sleeping
Changing, growing, transforming

Do You Really?

Do you really care; are you actually sorry for what you did?
This heart of mine was bid
Do you really care that the roses you have given to me are dead?
Because my white, satin gown is ripped, torn, and blood red

You'Re With Me

Stars shinning so bright
I look up at the sky, and start to cry
Knowing that you are up there
When I look above, I see that you’re glistening

My Heart Is Just Rubbish

A soda can, a soda can, a soda can
No one is left to drink out of it
Just lying there; no one to care


There is a chessboard
I’m not playing the game; it’s more like my life, my fate
Two pawns are left in the diversion; red and black are the pieces
The problem is, I don’t know which direction to go in

Forensic Scientists

Here they are, there they go
They are solving crimes like there is no tomorrow
Getting fingerprints, and gathering evidence
Either it’s the field, the lab, or the morgue

No Need For Me Anymore

Your life is fine; I guess your doing great
No need for me anymore, so just throw me into the crate
It seems as if you’re happy; you have friends
No need for my heart to mend

I Can'T Take It

I can’t take this life, the pain, and the tears
I can’t even take looking at my depressed face in the mirrors
The place I once loved, and the friends I’d once adored
Now I’m angry, brainwashed, broken, miserable, and sore

Black World

In a world full of people, what can you do?
Does anyone even understand?
You’re running away from the truth
Even if you have a good day, you can’t help but wonder why the world is so dark, so empty

Forever Darkness

I see into those indigo eyes
I hear the beat of that haunted heart
I smell the tingle of the stars flowing through the veins
I touch the moon on your sensitive back

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