rehendhi maldives

rehendhi maldives Poems

the sun is shinning
and the day is new
but here im at the computer
blocked from the beautiful nature

it cames crying
it cames whining
the utterly helpless voice
u cant let down

I feel so sad and lonely
I am alone
I feel so used and betrayed
I am lost

rehendhi maldives Biography

i just write my feelings (mostly when i am sad or frustrated and theres nothing i can do to express myself except in writing) and most of the time they make good reading, , people who read them says they like itthought it will be good to know what a poem commity says about my poems. please vote and let me know! thanks)

The Best Poem Of rehendhi maldives

I Wish I Was There!

the sun is shinning
and the day is new
but here im at the computer
blocked from the beautiful nature

the trees are waving
and the birds are singing
but here im sitting indoors
oh! how i miss the wonderful beach

the waves will be splashing the sand
and the kids will be making sand castles
but here im doing my boring work
cant i just not be out there! ! ! ?

the flowers will be dancing
and the butterfiles will be collecting nectar
but here im in my daily chores
oh! how i wish i could be there! ! ! ! !

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