reza Sedghi

reza Sedghi Poems

Amour... This incurable Doleful Malady...
Spreading Deep into my Veins...

Setting up the most beautiful Tragedy...

These Writings of mine, filled with fantasy of Mind...
But nothing expresses the rawness More...

Poems should be Plain, terse, and Mild...

Vain I was, until I saw your eyes...
From the beginning i felt like a reanimated corpse...

Empty i was, with your Charm you filled my life...

Life got Meaning, seeing those Black Ambers
those mind blowing, blind revealing Gems
feeling deep inside caused by your dignified manner
started this Journey, was Warned by Friends

I died as I sip, the last inch drop of Memories,
Tasteless, unfragrant, fragmented Vacancies,
Recollecting, regulating the blurry negligible Visions,
Recalling, rewriting, summarizing the Summaries,

The Best Poem Of reza Sedghi


Amour... This incurable Doleful Malady...
Spreading Deep into my Veins...

Setting up the most beautiful Tragedy...
Making me irresistible to my strains...

there's a proverb about this Reality...
You oughta suffer, if you're seeking Joy...

though I am welcoming this lethal Agony...
with all its beauties, with all its Annoys...


this Sickness with no Remedy...
Left me at your hands, the only Healing...

might be an unaware act of insanity...
loving this Despondent feeling...

like an open scar it burns, but it burns lovelily...
Makes me look insane loving this Woe...

but I'm having you as the Solace of my Malady...
Though I am sure Relief will soon Glow...

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