Richard Brewer

Richard Brewer Poems

As she walks thru the darkness every day
she has a light that few people can see.
there is now way to put it away,
it burns brightly as ever

he sighs deeply in the night,
for only she knows what's surreal
does he really want to leave?
why does she cleave him to her unending

Richard Brewer Biography

Just a simple working class man that didn't finish college. Tried the American Dream and failed at that. Ended up raising the kids by his self. He endeavors to persevere in his professional life. yes he is a fusion engineer. lol Yep, he is a welder/fitter/machinist.)

The Best Poem Of Richard Brewer

Darkness To Light

As she walks thru the darkness every day
she has a light that few people can see.
there is now way to put it away,
it burns brightly as ever

How many times has she been bettered.
how many silent cries went unheard?
How long has she been fettered?
no longer will she be tethered.

Now she knows that there is a light
She has woken from the nightmare
to realize no fright
sweet freedom forever more.

longing to be free
longing to love.
she will be,
forever free

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