Richard Randolph Poems

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The Dangerous Game

Perhaps the world is a living thing,
and we are merely parasites living on it.
At first, so small and insignificant
no one could imagine our causing any real harm,

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Poetry Writing 101

So, why is this a great poem?
Let me try to explain.
First, notice there's no rhyme.
Rhyming is for children.

What I Believe

People say I'm cranky and mean, a cynic,
and I suppose that I am,
but I don't believe equal opportunity is enough.
I believe in true social justice.

In Praise Of Soft Light

In Praise of Soft Light

I like soft light best,
candles and moonlight.

The Butterfly Effect

All actions have consequences,
but inaction has consequences too.
Every cruel act makes a crueler act more possible;
every kind act helps the recipient and enriches the giver.

In Medias Res

We're all storytellers
reshaping our pasts in the hope that someone,
will understand.

Letters Versus Numbers

I prefer letters to numbers.
Numbers are too much like Inspector Javert-
one way, right or wrong, black or white.
Letters, on the other hand,

Glimpses Of My Mom

'Who are you? ' she asks.
'I'm Rick, ' I say.
'That's funny, ' she says. 'I have a son named Rick.'
She stares at me.

Let's Make It Happen

Let's throw out the sacred cows.
Let's start with countries.
No more arbitrary lines in the sand.
And let's throw out religions too.

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